God blesses missionary kids.

God blesses missionary kids.
Ross and Karin were missionaries with us for many years. Their three children were all born on the mission field. Then the Lord clearly indicated to them it was time to move back to Canada. Re-entry was very difficult for all of them. Now we are watching them prosper.
When I was in Chilliwack in October I heard how Janaea (Ross and Karin’s oldest daughter) did not want to join the highschool volleyball team this year. Then her friends somehow convinced her and the coach that this would be a good thing. They went on to win the Provincial Championship!
We are very proud of the Hansens and all missionaries who served well on a foreign field for some time and then managed to re-integrate back into their sending country.

We have seen this with several missionary families. This is normal for the missionary families we know personally. As all us parents know, nothing is worse than seeing our children suffer. It is harder to send my children to the dentist than it is to go myself. On the other hand, nothing blesses a parent more than seeing their child prosper.

A few weeks ago Ross sent me this email from his iphone. 
Janaea and team won the BC Provincals last night. 

When Has God Clearly Lead You Somewhere?

Last night we studied the story of how God lead Abraham’s servant to find Isaac a wife. We asked each other to share “about a time when God has clearly lead you”.

A story immediately came to me. Our mission team was praying about where to open our next base. We identified five cities as potentially strategic. Marabá was the fifth city I went to. The first three days we logged 1,000 kms (600 miles) here in the city as Tim Kubacki and I drove every backstreet we could find, talking to people, looking for the right place. I could not find anything that looked like a reasonable place to start a base, or even any place I would want to live. After several months I still felt Marabá was the right city, so I planned another three day survey trip. This time I went with two Brazilian friends. The motor seized up on the truck I was driving. We limped into the city and I found out it would take 15 days to rebuild the diesel motor. My Brazilian friends went back home. I got a room at a cheap hotel right beside the mechanic shop. Then I walked across the highway to the front of the Regional Hospital where some motorcycle taxis were waiting for customers. I asked the guy if we could work out an hourly rate deal, instead of the usual point to point rate.

I think I spent 60-80 hours riding around with Cleudo on his rented motorbike. Months later I came back to Marabá with our car. I could not remember where he lived. I stopped at a store in his general neighbourhood. They directed us to a house of his relatives. Adriana reluctantly squished into the back seat of our car, along with our four girls, to show us the way. When she realized we were all foreigners she was terrified. She could not understand our Portuguese, spoken with an accent. She was convinced we were talking about her in a foreign language. Adriana is now our worship team lead singer.

Every day we are glad God lead us to exactly where we live. We loved Altamira. Now we love Marabá.

Here is a photo of Cleudo, and his cousin, Adriana, at her 15th birthday party, which her family put on at our church last week-end. (Note: Cleudo has five small children. You can see one standing at his feet).

15th Birthday Party

Adriana’s family asked if they could use the church building to celebrate her 15th birthday. This felt to me like the first drops of rain, and their is a rain storm coming. I imagine these facilities becoming known as a place for great celebrations! The Bible says God blessed Laban just because Jacob worked there. God sometimes blesses certain people and also certain places. I believe this is one of those places.

Adriana spoke for a few minutes, and broke out in tears thanking God for planting this church and saving her from a life of misery. Her uncle, Demir, is a driver for an engineering company. He was sitting beside me. “This is true. She has changed so much. If it was not for this church she would be living a very messed up life now. I am not a Christian yet, but I really like this church.”

How to Find More Joy in Life

The path to more joy in your life is different than you might think.
Does it ever amaze you how many responsible people there are in this
world? I have discovered:
1. The world is full of people who are trying their very best to do
what is right.
2. The world is also full of people who are irresponsible.
3. This is a sliding scale, and depends on many factors.
4. I find my own natural tendency is to slide myself way over to the
responsible side while sliding most other people way over to the less
responsible side.
5. If they believe things differently, or they were raised differently,
or they assume different outcomes, or they act or dress or look really
different than I do, I find myself assuming they have “issues”.
Our unproven assumptions about people are important. Two factors
greatly affect how we see others:
1. Our upbringing, our friends and our heroes.
2. What we feed our spirits through books, movies, tv and private
Assuming others are selfish and irresponsible makes us act this way
Abraham assumed a foreign king, Abimelech, would kill him for his wife.
He assumed Abimelech was irresponsible and had no respect for God.
Abraham lied to the king. Luckily, God intervened. “But one night God
came to Abimelech in a dream and told him, “You are a dead man, for
that woman you took is married.” Gen. 20:3 NLT. Wouldn’t you know it?
Isaac learned some lessons from his dad and did the same thing, with
the same wrong assumptions. The foreign king was very indignant when he
learned the truth, “How could you treat us this way!…you would have
made us guilty of great sin.” Gen. 26:10.
There is a better way.
1. Assume everyone would really like a living relationship with God.
2. Assume people would rather not spend eternity in hell.
3. Assume people are wounded, making choices based on things you do not
4. Help some people find healing.
5. Help some people make better choices.
You will find more joy in this lifestyle.

Ordaining Ivanildo and Monica

Several years ago I started a Bible Study in Altamira on the porch of our Guest House. Ivanildo would stop by on his way home from his job as a bartender at the army base. He would ask for prayer because their marriage was on its last legs, and his lifestyle was making things worse. Eventually he asked God to come into his heart, and to transform him.

Monica was greatly influenced by Elba in her first years as a Christian. Elba is now one of the key national leaders in this church planting movement. It was a great step forward on January 2, 2011, to ordain Ivanildo and Monica as Senior Pastors of this church. In reality they are already functioning in this role. We recognized publicly what they are already doing, and passed on all spiritual blessings we could.

I am so very grateful to the Lord for giving us this young family to work with. The first two years have flown by, and we have great expectations for many more ministry years together.


The Work of Christmas Begins

When the song of the angels is stilled,
When the star in the sky is gone,
When the kings and princes are home,
When the shepherds are back with their flocks,

The work of Christmas begins:

To find the lost,
To heal the broken,
To feed the hungry,
To release the prisoner,
To rebuild nations,
To bring peace among brothers,
To make music in the heart.

Howard Thurman (1899-1981)