Church Construction

Ivanildo and the team in Marabá have been really busy these last weeks. They have works bees, when the church people come to help with construction. One challenge is the 8-12 year old boys. They are starved for attention, and often travel around in groups. Slingshots are cheap, and light bulbs make  tempting targets. Other mischief also is very attractive to this age group. Ivanildo hopes closing in our building more will help.
We work in a really low-income neighbourhood. Because of this we are still subsidizing this church’s offerings. We fully expect that God will turn turn the curse of poverty to blessings, and in time this church will have tithes and offerings to fully support Ivanildo and Monica, to train their own leaders and plant other churches in the interior and across town.
Thank you for all who pray and give, making this work possible.