Church Last Week

One of our biggest prayer requests for the next four months is to know how to strengthen the church here. May the Lord give us:

1. A strong sense of His presence
2. Good ideas
3. Courage
4. People who He wants to join together to form a church leadership team
5. Understanding
6. Grace
7. Resources

One of the things I like best about church planting is that God scatters the gifts that we need throughout the people in the group, gifts of serving, teaching, giving, spiritual gifts, etc. May we recognize and release people to serve with their gifts.

I am curious if you like going to church? Why do so many people come late? You get the feeling like maybe they want to make the “church” part of their day as short as possible? One of the big challenges of our missionary journey has been planting a church we like going to…one that we and many other people like going to.

I often remember a story that John Wimber shared about their church plant, when he was frustrated with some of the members and complaining to God. He said he sensed God’s voice cutting into His thoughts while he was standing in the hallway. And I paraphrase here:

God: “Would you go to this church if you weren’t the pastor?”
John: “No!”
God: “Well, maybe if you are done with your program, maybe you will let Me show you My way?”

So this then is our main prayer, “That we could be part of God’s program.”


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