TransAmazon Dust

The TransAmazon Highway is now mostly clouds of billowing dust, with
patches of ashfalt. There are long stretches when I have to keep my
eyes glued to the shoulder, where I can see a dim outline of the
direction the road. When we break onto the paved parts of the road it
kind of feels like we are floating, everything gets strangely quiet,
and we can see clearly what is ahead. Our family drove to Altamira and
back on Thursday and Friday for a leadership meeting. I am including a
couple of photos of people we passed on the way.
As the Lord leads us through unexpected twists and turns in our
journey, quirky bible verses take on meaning. Psalm 68:13 caught my
attention this morning.
“Even while you sleep among the campfires, the wings of my dove are
sheathed with silver, its feathers with shining gold.”
The meaning for me as I pondered these unusual words is that even while
we are in a time of resting, God is blessing us in ways that are beyond
our imagination.
I trust this is your story too, that whether you are in a time of work
or rest, mourning or celebration, or whichever season you are in, that
you will find joy in God’s presence, and that your heart will be filled
with gratitude for God’s incredible goodness towards us, which reaches
to the limits of our imaginations, and then, it does not stop there but
races out to infinity where we will explore it and be filled with awe

and wonder for eternity. May this be your story today.

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