
Jesus taught us to expect life in the Kingdom of God to be different than any other religious or secular tradition.

How do you evaluate your spirituality today on the spectrum of “cannot” and “have-to” on the one side, and “freedom”  and “can I do that too?” on the other side.

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If you are not happy with where you placed your spiritual life on this spectrum, today is a good day to start a series of conversations with God to find out how you can change this.

Jesus promises freedom, and abundant life. Awhile ago I was sitting with my friend on the porch of his million dollar house, and we were talking about how we live in one of most privileged times in history. Many people around the world are able to sit on their front porches without fear of marauders, which reminded us of this prophecy in the Old Testament.

Micah 4:4 Everyone will sit under their own vine and under their own fig tree, and no one will make them afraid, for the LORD Almighty has spoken.

Still, many Christians and non-Christians, wealthy and not-wealthy, are unhappy.

Think for a minute: “What would it take to make me truly happy, right now?” Once you have the answer, read on.

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In my experience, and the Bible backs this up, we can only be really happy, and really content, when we are doing our best to walk with God on this earth. We can be eating grapes on our own porch, or we could be going through a dark night of the soul, or both. True happiness doesn’t really have to do with that. It has to do with walking in the destiny God has prepared for us. Maybe it is helpful to think of God holding a flashlight. As long as we are close to Him it is easy to see where to step next, and that really feels good. RGB.