Water-colour Paintings

I remember Luke Huber, who founded PAZ Mission, telling me, “If I plant 100,000 churches for the Lord but lose my own children, I will consider myself a failure”. I remember Luke doing things with his young boys, like the time he stuffed a large bass and put it up on their shelf. A family project. Luke and Christine were not failures. Even though Luke has gone to be with Jesus these last 18 years or so, all four of their children are serving the Lord, three of them here in Brazil as full-time missionaries!

One way that I spend time with our girls is painting. I can never remember painting until we had some home-school money, the girls were ages 2, 4, 6, and 8, and we were looking for a project. We went to town, bought some oil paints and canvases, and had art class. We have come a long way since then, and the girls have become better painter than me. But we all have fun at it. Together.

Here are some water colours we did, for about an hour a Saturday for 4 weeks. Three of the picture were inspired by pictures on the internet. The cabin is where Ivanildo and Monica live, here on the church property in Marabá.

Paintings 4

Emma's Toucan

Emma’s Toucan

Bella's "House with Cats" watercolor painting.

Bella’s “House with Cats” watercolor painting.