Church Party

“Are you looking forward to tonight?” Big smiles. Big eyes. Shining faces. It is six a.m. on a national holiday. I am asking the young people who came to our morning prayer meeting at the church if they are looking forward to the church party the Youth Group is planning. (Of course, our whole church is “youth”. Youth doesn’t apply so much to age here. Nursing babies, children, adults and seniors will all show up. It applies more to louder music, more colours, smells, and tastes).

The Youth Group is raising money for the Cristovál Celebration in March, 2014. The church is organized into teams who compete to see which team can raise the most money.

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Emma buys some traditional food called vatapa.
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Emma poses with two of the neighbour girls and Kevin in the Photo Tent.

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Edilton reads the Special Mail. For 50 centavos (25 cents) you can write a special note to someone and Edilton will announce it over the loudspeakers, and then a runner will take the note to whoever it was meant for. This was hugely popular. Everyone wanted to publicly announce nice things about other people. Hugs. Emotions. Kids with parents. Friends with friends. Who would have guessed?

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Sammy and Miriam, or should I say David and Esther, sold Brazilian hotdogs, which is ground beef in a hotdog bun.

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Our church party was a neighbourhood event.

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Paula was in charge of the Special Mail booth, where for a fee helpers would run notes to people after announcing your message over the loudspeaker.

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The jail was another popular event. For 25 centavos the “police” would go and get anyone you requested and put them in jail. Then someone else would have to pay 25 centavos to bail that person out. The kids loved having someone care enough about them to send them to jail.

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Igreja da Vinha, Festa das Barracas

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The food booths.

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Aline is a great help in Sunday School.

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A cup of cold pop is one real, about 50 cents.

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Bella and Emma made a lot of food, and helped a lot of people get dressed up in costumes.

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Paulo Roberto is a jailer. This was also a costume party with the theme “Someone from the Bible”.

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Vera and Maria made and sold vatapa.

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Marques and Izak sold cachorro quentes, Brazilian hotdogs.

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Fransisco sold cake. His booth sold out quickly. Brazilians love cake.

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Neighbour kids.

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Aline’s personality matches her costume.

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Daisy and Julianna sit with some of the local boys.


Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

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One thought on “Church Party

  1. Via will be happy, last Sunday she said, I want more photos.
    That looks like it was a huge event, good thing you had a lot of willing helpers, I can imagine the fun the kids (and adults) on this day. and a good project to raise money for.

    the notes read on intercom sounds like such a good idea, so positive, I guess you don’t accept mean notes.I can imagine the kids would love being captured and put into jail

    I recognize Emma’s costume.
    Good job.
    Marg B