How do you build foundations for a good marriage?

What if you come from a dysfunctional home? What if your parents, your relatives and your circle of friends all have less than good marriages and friendships? What if you don’t know who your dad is, or if your stepdad’s mom has to come and rescue him because your mom beats him up too often? What if you crave good friends, and long for a husband and a family who will love and respect you, but you don’t have any models? The soap operas on tv which are blaring all day in your house model worse relationships than you are experiencing. We pray for God to intervene. We have also come up with a few practical ideas.
1. We model a good relationship. The neighbourhood youth cannot believe we have a “date night”. Dating is for illicit activity, not for married people. Yet, the possibility that you could date your spouse even after you are married does sound appealing.
2. Deanna is doing a Bible Study with these teen-age girls based on a book called “I Kissed Dating Good-bye”, which talks about the results of recreational dating and the path to the longed for lifelong partner/lover/friend. It is the most popular Bible Study we can remember.
3. When our new church building is functional one of the first “programs” we would like to host is a series of Marriage Workshops”, for the adults in our neighbourhood. We are hoping to create a pleasant environment, have the youth serve some delicious snacks, and to teach some basic ideas about how married people can get along together.

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