Bergquists Come to Visit

The Bergquists stopped in for a couple of days. They are on their way back from a big road trip to get their documentation updated. On the way they visited several churches and missionaries, and brought back many good stories of the variety of ways people are serving.

Clyde and Kelsie moved to Brazil from Oregon in 2004. They came with two little girls Makenna and Maddie, and since then they had another boy, Nate, and then another girl, Hanna.

They have no internet where they work but somehow they still manage to post a few photos and stories at .

Four years ago the Bergquists spent a year in Marabá. Many people were glad to see them again, and hear their stories.

Here are some photos of a meal in our home.


Fransisco has been part of our church and group here at the chacará since we moved here 5 years ago.


Emma talks to Luana, who was Deanna’s helper for a year, and is still a good friend of our family.


Potatoe chowder and clay-oven baked rolls.


Fransisco and Paulo Roberto’s mom came for the meal. This was a first. Her husband left her a couple of years ago. Her sons often work for us on construction projects, and help put food on their table.


The kids discovered Kinnex, which is kind of like Lego.


The Bergquists continue on their journey home. About 2 days of driving left, though they will be visiting more people like the teams in Pacajá, Altamira, and Uruará.


The family of six is looking for a bigger, stronger, newer truck. They need a good truck where they live.

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