4 Reasons Why I Get Up Early

4 Reasons Why I Love to Get Up Early in the Morning
I have been reflecting on this for a week now. Why do I love getting up early in the morning. I rarely set an alarm clock. When I wake, I am wide awake. I cannot get back to sleep. 
1. All my childhood years I remember my dad getting up very early and working long, hard hours. I understood, growing up, that this is what responsible adults do.
2. The early morning hours are quiet. No one interrupts me. I found that if I get up two hours early, and rest one hour after lunch, this is much more effective then trying to work straight through the afternoon.
3. I love the early morning quiet, and the strong, black coffee. My actual devotional exercises vary. I always read the Bible through each year, praying first for God to give me the wisdom to understand His word to me today. After my reading I pray for a few of my most important relationships. My most recent “discipline” involves Facebook and Twitter. I tested the waters by picking a few authors. I started following John Maxwell, Donald Miller, and Rick Warren. They post short videos, and blogs, and they Retweet the best of their friend’s writings. So now I follow some of their friends. I find the whole 15 minute exercise provides me with encouraging thoughts for the day.
4. THE MAIN REASON I LOVE TO GET UP EARLY: I think it boils down to this…I honestly love my job, and my life, and I cannot wait to get started with it. I love our work. I love Monday mornings. I love being tired from working hard. The reason I love it so much is because I honestly sense we are making a difference in where people will spend eternity. We have a few years of harvest. Maybe 70. Hopefully 90 or 100. Maybe a few more or less. Then we have eternity, billions upon billions of years. I love building structures and systems where people can be transformed, where they can learn to get off that wide, shallow, meaningless life to the high road, where life is full of purpose and joy. I just love it. It is early Monday morning, and I am eagerly anticipating all we are going to get done this week.
I hope you are looking forward to your day and week too.
Rick Bergen.

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