Gurupá Stories

We are seeing a faint cloud on a far horizon and we are preparing for a deluge, and the start of a long rainy season after drought. We think this will look like an army of people who are winning their private battles with fear and pride. These people delight in time alone with their Father. From this place of life, rest, and deep joy they start disciple-making church-planting movements, sweeping across the Amazon basin.

This is by far the best way

to help the most people

have the best life possible.

There are rays of hope. The Muritão Church is leading the way. And the Gurupá Church is on fire, in a good way. They send us photos of baptisms because of new believers who are entering the Kingdom through Discovery Groups.

A WhatsApp Message about Discovery Groups.
“The Discovery Group today ended well. During the last Bible Study the people in the group realized they needed God, and made a decision to walk with Jesus. It was amazing and unusual to see how quickly they mature in the faith. Especially Junior. He was very timid and closed. Today he spoke up, stating that he needs to believe in God because God has given us the right to become His children through Jesus. I was impressed.
A WhatsApp Message about Discovery Groups.
And about Lucas, I remember that when I was his age I did the same things he was doing, staying away from home, rebelling against everything, only returning home only late at night. Because of this Discovery Group he is being transformed. He has great potential! Praise God!!! Let’s fill heaven. The harvest is great and the workers are few!!

Other stories from Gurupá

We were at a remote location, learning about Discovery Groups. One man asked the leader, “I started reading my Bible. I realized I need to get right with God. I lay down on the floor, repented of my sins, and asked God to save me. Am I a Christian? Or do I need to do some process in church?”

The leader pointed out another man to me. “This man was saved in a Discovery Group. He owns two houses. Next week he will start renovations. He will live in one house, and use the other for a church.”

Our mentor Danny Meyer gave Clenildo and I some great advice in February. “Create a vacuum. Rather than trying to convince other leaders to do this model of church planting, get the model working. As healthy churches start to take root others will be attracted to come a learn about what is working.” The Gurupá and Mutirão churches are started to feel a bit like vacuums. Will others be interested? Will it work for them?

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