
What do you do when no one is pushing you to work hard? Do you initiate reconciliation when someone has offended you or when you know you offended someone else? How is your attitude when you are alone? What are you looking at on the internet when no one is around? What are you thinking about during your free time? What is the real reason you have daily devotions and go to church on Sundays? What motivates you? Why even go to church? Why forgive people? Why work hard to be the best person you can be? Why work at your relationship with God?

1. Some people don’t want God mad at them. They see God as having a big step, ready to whack those who do wrong or don’t believe all the correct doctrines.

2. Some people just don’t want to go to hell. They don’t really care too much about God, but the other option is very bad.

3. Some people have learned that God’s principles really work. Give and it will be given unto you. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. They do God’s things for what they get out of it.

4. Some people just like doing stuff with their Dad.

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

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